Social Distancing Made Easy With Natural Voice

The pressure to do all you can do to support social distancing in the times of COVID is immense.

Some would argue that a cold clinical texting chat-bot is the answer.

Our studies show that 4 out of 5 guests PREFER voice to texting.

It seems more natural and customers form a bond, it's the reliable assistant that's ready to help them.

Have you tried to text on a small cell phone screen after 16 hours on an airplane? I bet your customers don't want that either.

Now some systems say that you can just plug in with Amazon Echo or use the microphone button on their cell phone SMS screen. No it's not even close.  Because EVE follows your conversation, knows what you are talking about, where you are at, and what your preferences are.

So while nothing beats a human, EVE is a close second your guests will feel comfortable with, not a piece of technology like a chat bot.

So consider EVE when you think about how your company is going to improve on social distancing. We are here to help.